Mega Zasmi
2 min readMay 29, 2024
I won’t be talking about this yellow guy, but he’s my friend too.

I befriended a considerably mid-sized black ant for two days and decided we cannot be together any longer

I was riding my bike yesterday, on my way to the office, when I caught it appearing right in front of my sight on the surface of my helmet visor, hanging for dear life. It had caught me off guard, but quickly fell pity on it because it must have been horrible to be in that situation, with dizzy weather and it being so light it could get blown away by the wind any second.

But it was a survivor, apparently. This morning, also on my way to work, it was there again! If I could see its feet, they were probably wobbly, shaking in fear of suddenly lose its ability to set foot on the surface. Or maybe I underestimated it. Maybe it was stronger that it appeared. After all, it managed to fight the wind, and survived there. It mostly went on hiding behind the helmet pad. Clever ant.

My bike ran out of gas and it needed to be filled so I turned to the gas station. Waiting for my turn on the filling line, my friend went out from its hiding, showing itself, maybe asking for attention. Staring at it, I suddenly thought, we couldn’t go on like this forever. It wouldn’t be long before it finally felt too tired to hold itself and the wind would finally overpower his guts and I wouldn’t want to stay to witness it got flown away from my sight.

Therefore, I supposed I should part ways from it in a proper way before anything bad happen. I should bid it goodbye now, let it go safely and securely, and under my caring witness. So with a very broken and heavy heart, I plucked it from the visor’s surface, and it (of course) easily fell easily on my bag, tick then on my trousers, tick then on my shoes, and finally it landed on the road. I watched with my naturally blurry eyes how it went back and forth for seconds, and then went away from me.

I hastily moved my bike forward to get my filling turn and urged myself to feel at ease about the farewell because this is for the best. It was a short journey of friendship but I found comfort in it.

I befriended a considerably mid-sized black ant for two days and decided we cannot be together any longer. It was a hard decision. But wise, I believe so.

Farewell, ant friend.