To Leave Traces? To Stay Sane?

Mega Zasmi
2 min readJan 8, 2021



This is gonna be my first post on this platform. I write a lot on the internet. Back then it was always on my blog. But slowly I moved to social media (Instagram, Twitter) to express my feelings because it’s basically more “visible” to the eyes of the others, though I never really expected responses for my writings. It’s just somehow makes me feel better that my writings are not completely “unseen”.

Now, I’m trying to, maybe, expand the platforms I can use to have my writings submitted there and to encourage me to be more active again in publishing my writing.

Now now, why do I have to write? Why does it important to me? Why do I have to keep doing it?

If you read my bio, I have my reasons written there. Write a lot to leave traces and to stay sane, it said. Now that basically sums up my whole intention.

To leave traces, ’cause you’re gonna take a look on your old writings someday and they’ll take you back to the events written there, make you reminiscing whatever happen there,and bring back whatever the emotion you had back then. In my case, it’s my writings that sometimes remind me of the past events that I already forgot. Sometimes it surprises me, oh that happened?, sometimes it makes me feel grateful or angry that I have a reminder that I can take a look at any time. They are there in a form of many words. That’s what they are, traces

To stay sane, ’cause writing is a form of healer to a lot of people. That includes me. When I have this silent outburst in my head and pour everything that occupy there in this silent writing, I take my sanity back to its place. It gives me relief, the same way people let out a satisfaction sigh after a long rant. It strays you away from going mad. Mad can be dangerous, best to just avoid it and have yourself composed. I can always explode in silence, and writing gives me place to do it. I can stay sane this way.

There, there. I have explained myself. I have expectation on myself to be able to keep this platform alive. I can have many things kept in here. Please do anticipate.

